The Jet 6" Enclosed Stand Jointer
by Cian Perez
I was NOT in the market for a jointer several months back until a fellow Woodnetter offered up a Jet 6" Professional Jointer for an incredible price that I couldn't refuse. The asking price included 2 sets of extra blades in addition to the currently installed knives, a jointer knife installation PAL, and the factory mobile base. The ringer was that it was a JET (read: bulletproof pedigree) and it matched the other tools in the shop. Practically, I would've been happy with the equivalent Delta, especially considering that there's a PorterCableDelta service center right in my hometown, but I got this used Jet in great condition for less than half of the new asking price, all things considered.
A hearty thanks to John Moore for letting me have my dream jointer for a song. And a thanks also to my buddy Haze that without his committment (and back) this baby would still be in the garage instead of my basement workshop.
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