Lie-Nielsen 25th Anniversary Plane Log

In 2006, Lie-Nielsen Toolworks celebrated 25 years of existence. To celebrate this milestone, Lie-Nielsen introduced the 25th Anniversary Plane - a limited run of five-hundred 4-1/2 smoother planes made with body castings of manganese bronze and totes of cocobola, and equipped with a high angle (50 degree) frog.

Lie-Nielsen started accepting orders on June 29, 2006. Planes began shipping the week of September 10th, 2006 and did not end until midway through 2007

The table below is a simple log of fellow patrons of Woodnet who are fortunate enough to own one of these beautiful planes.

No. Woodnet Username Order Date Receipt Date
13. Steelix 6.29.06 9.20.06
14. Hart Tool <sold on eBay>  
15. Cian 6.29.06 9.21.06
25. perunapete 6.29.06 9.25.06
27. Chad Pearson    
27. Winterwood 6.29.06 9.26.06
29. Ray S 6.29.06 9.21.06
30. jczornij 6.29.06 9.27.06
34. meackerman 6.29.06 9.26.06
39. amheck 6.29.06 9.25.06
40. fergyr 6.29.06 9.27.06
41. Deirdre Saoirse Moen 6.29.06 9.28.06
43. FishB8 6.29.06 9.26.06
47. Antioch Frank 6.29.06 9.26.06
51. Sculpin 6.29.06 9.26.06
58. Skogs 6.29.06 9.27.06
59. DCarr10760 6.29.06 9.28.06
67. mainframe 6.29.06 10.17.06
74. jpop private sale  
76. jarhead0531 6.29.06 10.13.06
82. H Sycks 6.29.06 10.14.06
86. auntytembak 6.30.06 11.13.06
87. auntytembak 6.30.06 11.13.06
93. AndrewD 6.29.06 10.19.06
94. AndrewD 6.29.06 10.19.06
98. Jeff59 6.30.06 10.20.06
103. BRB 6.29.06 10.20.06
107. Martin S. 6.29.06 10.24.06
109. Krewz 6.29.06 10.20.06
119. Tim Moore 6.xx.06 10.xx.06
124. timsmcm 6.29.06 10.25.06
126. Ace Karner 6.30.06 10.25.06
131. apurcell 6.30.06 10.25.06
135. John Clifford 6.30.06 10.25.06
136. LeCorbusier 6.29.06 11.9.06
140. Dan Clermont 6.30.06 11.14.06
142. Brent Smith 7.1.06 11.8.06
150. chrisdel 7.1.06 11.7.06
160. jcav8ter 6.30.06 11.3.06
164. bob m 6.30.06 10.31.06
180. Bart Hovis    
182. salmo 7.3.06 11.1.06
189. Shopdude 7.7.06 11.1.06
191. KevMel 7.2.06 11.4.06
204. Timberwolf 7.10.06 11.4.06
211. bogey 7.2.06 11.3.06
212. AdrianL 7.17.06 11.6.06
240. Derek Cohen 9.29.06 11.24.06
274. dave brown 7.31.06 11.21.06
324. Maxwell private sale  
329. Mirboo 9.25.06 12.4.06
330. Rock307 9.29.06 12.5.06
346. Hulahoo 9.29.06 12.6.06
351. Stwood 9.27.06 12.5.06
354. Tony (Charleston, WV) 9.28.06 12.4.06
360. Phil Hirz 9.29.06 12.8.06
366. joemac private sale  
367. Anak 10.5.06 12.6.06
373. Bernhard K.    
375. jgourlay 10.24.06 12.8.06
378. stttudlyat50   12.24.06
386. krell-one    
387. Gregory of Sherwood Forest private sale  
388. Gregory of Sherwood Forest private sale  
393. DCM 10.20.06 12.12.06
455. rodwolfy 11.8.06 5.30.07
456. rodwolfy 11.8.06 5.30.07
466. auntytembak 6.30.06 6.1.07
471. Chirs in MD 12.1.06 5.31.07
491. Dan Clermont 12.1.06 6.1.07

Last updated 5.18.15

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